Wow, I don't know where the time has gone but today I had to sign Andre up for the 5th grade. I can't believe first of all our little boy, OK young man, tween is headed into 5th grade. It seems like yesterday we were in Russia and running around trying to get things done to bring him home. I think what scares me more is to think he will be in middle school next year. He will graduate to youth classes (not sure what they actually call it) at Church next year. It seems like this is the last year of my little boy, he would be so mad at me for saying that lol. I love you Andre and am very proud of you.
Second I can't believe the summer is almost over. It has flown by and I don't know where it went. I don't know how we did it. Andre will wake up (sometimes at 7:00 AM) and say can so and so come over ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Please let me wake up first lol. We made it through the summer and enjoyed it. We are thankful to Mari's in law's for inviting us to the cabin, we had so much fun there and loved spending time with Mari and her family. And we were very lucky to have a reunion with most of our China families at Tybee Island, GA which will never be forgotten and we are looking forward to the next one. Cindy did an awesome job putting it together. We had our very good friends move away and we miss them very much. It isn't the same here without them. We're proud they followed what God had planned for them but we still miss you. We love you Kidd family. And in between we have been enjoying the pool and Church so I guess we have been busy.
Tara is 4 but thinks she is 10, lol, she thinks she will be going to school but I don't think we'll sign her up instead I will enjoy our last year together before real life takes hold. I feel bad cause we had her tested to see if she could get in but they said she was normal, what ever normal is for a 4 year old lol. She keeps saying I don't know what school I'll be going to mom so we will have to break it to her gently, lol. She is growing up so fast right before our eyes. She is the one who pushes us to our limit, lol. I would never change anything with either of my children. I love them both so much. Tara you are our little chili pepper you are so spicy. I love you.
Hope everyone out there has enjoyed their summer as much as we have. Not too sure if I'm ready for winter to get here though. I love fall and spring and will look forward to those seasons coming.