I don't know what I am going to do now I am so frustrated. Went to the doctors for the 4th time in two weeks, ok my ogbyn actually helped two times, which she gave me better medicine than my regular doctor did ugh. I still can't hear anything in my left ear. They took a look and come to find out both ears are impacted BUT the right ear is worst than the left (don't know how I can hear out of that ear a little muffled but can hear) so they cleaned them out and I'm laying there thinking oh thank you I'll be able to hear again, WRONG, come to find out my real problem I have fluid build up down in the ear so needless to say I STILL CAN'T hear. UGH!!!!!!!!! On top of going to the doctors I took Tara with me, she was good for a while but ended up getting upset and hid under the doctors desk. Thank God the doctor hadn't come in yet but the male nurse was wonderful with her. He even brought her in two toy fish to play with and keep. He put drops in my ear and I had to lay there so he pushed the chair over for her to hold my hand, which she did for a few minutes. I don't think she liked seeing me on that table. Only after I promised her a trip to McDonald's was she a lot better. But only if her attitude was better. I usually don't like to bribe my child but I couldn't get up off the table so since she was good I bucked up and took her to her favorite place, McDonald's, yuck (I can't stand that place but the things we do as mother's to make our kids mind lol).
I think my family is frustrated too with me cause I am asking them all the time to speak up. Andre doesn't talk that loud unless he wants too. I feel sorry for Gerry right now cause he is the only one who hears Tara in the middle of the night now. If I am a sleep on my good ear I don't hear anything. Unfortunately, Tara still has night terrors and wakes up screaming so Gerry has been getting up with her. Please pray that I start to feel better. We're suppose to go to Carowinds for Gerry's shop picnic this weekend so I'm not too sure how I will do. Don't think I will be able to ride any of the rides but we'll see. I am just frustrated and had to blow off some steam.
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
I'm sorry it has been so hard...I will pray!
Oh yikes! I hope they can get you fixed up soon. I know that has to be such a pain not to be able to hear like that. Hope you were able to go to Carowinds and have fun, too.
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